paul authored 5282d6ef418
1 1 | ## Process this file with automake to produce |
2 2 | |
3 3 | info_TEXINFOS = quagga.texi |
4 4 | |
5 - | zebra_TEXINFOS = appendix.texi basic.texi bgpd.texi filter.texi install.texi \ |
5 + | quagga_TEXINFOS = appendix.texi basic.texi bgpd.texi filter.texi install.texi \ |
6 6 | ipv6.texi kernel.texi main.texi ospf6d.texi ospfd.texi overview.texi \ |
7 7 | protocol.texi ripd.texi ripngd.texi routemap.texi snmp.texi vtysh.texi |
8 8 | |
9 9 | man_MANS = vtysh.1 bgpd.8 ospf6d.8 ospfd.8 ripd.8 ripngd.8 zebra.8 |
10 10 | |
11 11 | EXTRA_DIST = BGP-TypeCode draft-zebra-00.txt $(man_MANS) |
12 12 | |
13 13 | draft-zebra-00.txt: |
14 14 | groff -T ascii -ms > draft-zebra-00.txt |