/* PIM for Quagga Copyright (C) 2008 Everton da Silva Marques This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA $QuaggaId: $Format:%an, %ai, %h$ $ */ #include #include "log.h" #include "pimd.h" #include "pim_pim.h" #include "pim_str.h" #include "pim_tlv.h" #include "pim_util.h" #include "pim_hello.h" #include "pim_iface.h" #include "pim_neighbor.h" #include "pim_upstream.h" static void on_trace(const char *label, struct interface *ifp, struct in_addr src) { if (PIM_DEBUG_PIM_TRACE) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: from %s on %s", label, src_str, ifp->name); } } static void tlv_trace_bool(const char *label, const char *tlv_name, const char *ifname, struct in_addr src_addr, int isset, int value) { if (isset) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: PIM hello option from %s on interface %s: %s=%d", label, src_str, ifname, tlv_name, value); } } static void tlv_trace_uint16(const char *label, const char *tlv_name, const char *ifname, struct in_addr src_addr, int isset, uint16_t value) { if (isset) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: PIM hello option from %s on interface %s: %s=%u", label, src_str, ifname, tlv_name, value); } } static void tlv_trace_uint32(const char *label, const char *tlv_name, const char *ifname, struct in_addr src_addr, int isset, uint32_t value) { if (isset) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: PIM hello option from %s on interface %s: %s=%u", label, src_str, ifname, tlv_name, value); } } static void tlv_trace_uint32_hex(const char *label, const char *tlv_name, const char *ifname, struct in_addr src_addr, int isset, uint32_t value) { if (isset) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: PIM hello option from %s on interface %s: %s=%08x", label, src_str, ifname, tlv_name, value); } } #if 0 static void tlv_trace(const char *label, const char *tlv_name, const char *ifname, struct in_addr src_addr, int isset) { if (isset) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: PIM hello option from %s on interface %s: %s", label, src_str, ifname, tlv_name); } } #endif static void tlv_trace_list(const char *label, const char *tlv_name, const char *ifname, struct in_addr src_addr, int isset, struct list *addr_list) { if (isset) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: PIM hello option from %s on interface %s: %s size=%d list=%x", label, src_str, ifname, tlv_name, addr_list ? ((int) listcount(addr_list)) : -1, (unsigned) addr_list); } } #define FREE_ADDR_LIST \ if (hello_option_addr_list) { \ list_delete(hello_option_addr_list); \ } #define FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(code) \ { \ FREE_ADDR_LIST \ return (code); \ } int pim_hello_recv(struct interface *ifp, struct in_addr src_addr, char *tlv_buf, int tlv_buf_size) { struct pim_interface *pim_ifp; struct pim_neighbor *neigh; char *tlv_curr; char *tlv_pastend; pim_hello_options hello_options = 0; /* bit array recording options found */ uint16_t hello_option_holdtime = 0; uint16_t hello_option_propagation_delay = 0; uint16_t hello_option_override_interval = 0; uint32_t hello_option_dr_priority = 0; uint32_t hello_option_generation_id = 0; struct list *hello_option_addr_list = 0; on_trace(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ifp, src_addr); pim_ifp = ifp->info; zassert(pim_ifp); ++pim_ifp->pim_ifstat_hello_recv; /* Parse PIM hello TLVs */ zassert(tlv_buf_size >= 0); tlv_curr = tlv_buf; tlv_pastend = tlv_buf + tlv_buf_size; while (tlv_curr < tlv_pastend) { uint16_t option_type; uint16_t option_len; int remain = tlv_pastend - tlv_curr; if (remain < PIM_TLV_MIN_SIZE) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_warn("%s: short PIM hello TLV size=%d < min=%d from %s on interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, remain, PIM_TLV_MIN_SIZE, src_str, ifp->name); FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(-1); } option_type = PIM_TLV_GET_TYPE(tlv_curr); tlv_curr += PIM_TLV_TYPE_SIZE; option_len = PIM_TLV_GET_LENGTH(tlv_curr); tlv_curr += PIM_TLV_LENGTH_SIZE; if ((tlv_curr + option_len) > tlv_pastend) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_warn("%s: long PIM hello TLV type=%d length=%d > max=%d from %s on interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, option_type, option_len, tlv_pastend - tlv_curr, src_str, ifp->name); FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(-2); } if (PIM_DEBUG_PIM_TRACE) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: parse left_size=%d: PIM hello TLV type=%d length=%d from %s on %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, remain, option_type, option_len, src_str, ifp->name); } switch (option_type) { case PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_HOLDTIME: if (pim_tlv_parse_holdtime(ifp->name, src_addr, &hello_options, &hello_option_holdtime, option_len, tlv_curr)) { FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(-3); } break; case PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_LAN_PRUNE_DELAY: if (pim_tlv_parse_lan_prune_delay(ifp->name, src_addr, &hello_options, &hello_option_propagation_delay, &hello_option_override_interval, option_len, tlv_curr)) { FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(-4); } break; case PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_DR_PRIORITY: if (pim_tlv_parse_dr_priority(ifp->name, src_addr, &hello_options, &hello_option_dr_priority, option_len, tlv_curr)) { FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(-5); } break; case PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_GENERATION_ID: if (pim_tlv_parse_generation_id(ifp->name, src_addr, &hello_options, &hello_option_generation_id, option_len, tlv_curr)) { FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(-6); } break; case PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_ADDRESS_LIST: if (pim_tlv_parse_addr_list(ifp->name, src_addr, &hello_options, &hello_option_addr_list, option_len, tlv_curr)) { return -7; } break; case PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_DM_STATE_REFRESH: if (PIM_DEBUG_PIM_TRACE) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: ignoring PIM hello dense-mode state refresh TLV option type=%d length=%d from %s on interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, option_type, option_len, src_str, ifp->name); } break; default: { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_warn("%s: ignoring unknown PIM hello TLV type=%d length=%d from %s on interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, option_type, option_len, src_str, ifp->name); } } tlv_curr += option_len; } /* Check received PIM hello options */ if (PIM_DEBUG_PIM_TRACE) { tlv_trace_uint16(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "holdtime", ifp->name, src_addr, PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_HOLDTIME), hello_option_holdtime); tlv_trace_uint16(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "propagation_delay", ifp->name, src_addr, PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_LAN_PRUNE_DELAY), hello_option_propagation_delay); tlv_trace_uint16(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "override_interval", ifp->name, src_addr, PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_LAN_PRUNE_DELAY), hello_option_override_interval); tlv_trace_bool(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "can_disable_join_suppression", ifp->name, src_addr, PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_LAN_PRUNE_DELAY), PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_CAN_DISABLE_JOIN_SUPPRESSION)); tlv_trace_uint32(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "dr_priority", ifp->name, src_addr, PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_DR_PRIORITY), hello_option_dr_priority); tlv_trace_uint32_hex(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "generation_id", ifp->name, src_addr, PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_GENERATION_ID), hello_option_generation_id); tlv_trace_list(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "address_list", ifp->name, src_addr, PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_ADDRESS_LIST), hello_option_addr_list); } if (!PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_HOLDTIME)) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_warn("%s: PIM hello missing holdtime from %s on interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, src_str, ifp->name); } /* New neighbor? */ neigh = pim_neighbor_find(ifp, src_addr); if (!neigh) { /* Add as new neighbor */ neigh = pim_neighbor_add(ifp, src_addr, hello_options, hello_option_holdtime, hello_option_propagation_delay, hello_option_override_interval, hello_option_dr_priority, hello_option_generation_id, hello_option_addr_list); if (!neigh) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_warn("%s: failure creating PIM neighbor %s on interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, src_str, ifp->name); FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(-8); } /* actual addr list has been saved under neighbor */ return 0; } /* Received generation ID ? */ if (PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_GENERATION_ID)) { /* GenID mismatch ? */ if (!PIM_OPTION_IS_SET(neigh->hello_options, PIM_OPTION_MASK_GENERATION_ID) || (hello_option_generation_id != neigh->generation_id)) { /* GenID changed */ pim_upstream_rpf_genid_changed(neigh->source_addr); /* GenID mismatch, then replace neighbor */ if (PIM_DEBUG_PIM_TRACE) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_debug("%s: GenId mismatch new=%08x old=%08x: replacing neighbor %s on %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hello_option_generation_id, neigh->generation_id, src_str, ifp->name); } pim_upstream_rpf_genid_changed(neigh->source_addr); pim_neighbor_delete(ifp, neigh, "GenID mismatch"); neigh = pim_neighbor_add(ifp, src_addr, hello_options, hello_option_holdtime, hello_option_propagation_delay, hello_option_override_interval, hello_option_dr_priority, hello_option_generation_id, hello_option_addr_list); if (!neigh) { char src_str[100]; pim_inet4_dump("", src_addr, src_str, sizeof(src_str)); zlog_warn("%s: failure re-creating PIM neighbor %s on interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, src_str, ifp->name); FREE_ADDR_LIST_THEN_RETURN(-9); } /* actual addr list is saved under neighbor */ return 0; } /* GenId mismatch: replace neighbor */ } /* GenId received */ /* Update existing neighbor */ pim_neighbor_update(neigh, hello_options, hello_option_holdtime, hello_option_dr_priority, hello_option_addr_list); /* actual addr list is saved under neighbor */ return 0; } int pim_hello_build_tlv(const char *ifname, char *tlv_buf, int tlv_buf_size, uint16_t holdtime, uint32_t dr_priority, uint32_t generation_id, uint16_t propagation_delay, uint16_t override_interval, int can_disable_join_suppression, struct list *ifconnected) { char *curr = tlv_buf; char *pastend = tlv_buf + tlv_buf_size; char *tmp; /* * Append options */ /* Holdtime */ curr = pim_tlv_append_uint16(curr, pastend, PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_HOLDTIME, holdtime); if (!curr) { zlog_warn("%s: could not set PIM hello Holdtime option for interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ifname); return -1; } /* LAN Prune Delay */ tmp = pim_tlv_append_2uint16(curr, pastend, PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_LAN_PRUNE_DELAY, propagation_delay, override_interval); if (!tmp) { zlog_warn("%s: could not set PIM LAN Prune Delay option for interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ifname); return -1; } if (can_disable_join_suppression) { *((uint8_t*)(curr) + 4) |= 0x80; /* enable T bit */ } curr = tmp; /* DR Priority */ curr = pim_tlv_append_uint32(curr, pastend, PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_DR_PRIORITY, dr_priority); if (!curr) { zlog_warn("%s: could not set PIM hello DR Priority option for interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ifname); return -2; } /* Generation ID */ curr = pim_tlv_append_uint32(curr, pastend, PIM_MSG_OPTION_TYPE_GENERATION_ID, generation_id); if (!curr) { zlog_warn("%s: could not set PIM hello Generation ID option for interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ifname); return -3; } /* Secondary Address List */ if (ifconnected) { curr = pim_tlv_append_addrlist_ucast(curr, pastend, ifconnected); if (!curr) { zlog_warn("%s: could not set PIM hello Secondary Address List option for interface %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ifname); return -4; } } return curr - tlv_buf; } /* RFC 4601: 4.3.1. Sending Hello Messages Thus, if a router needs to send a Join/Prune or Assert message on an interface on which it has not yet sent a Hello message with the currently configured IP address, then it MUST immediately send the relevant Hello message without waiting for the Hello Timer to expire, followed by the Join/Prune or Assert message. */ void pim_hello_require(struct interface *ifp) { struct pim_interface *pim_ifp; zassert(ifp); pim_ifp = ifp->info; zassert(pim_ifp); if (pim_ifp->pim_ifstat_hello_sent) return; pim_hello_restart_now(ifp); /* Send hello and restart timer */ }